
Module Contents#


sync(→ qcs_api_client.types.Response[Any])

Add user to a group

sync_from_dict(→ qcs_api_client.types.Response[Any])

asyncio(→ qcs_api_client.types.Response[Any])

Add user to a group

asyncio_from_dict(→ qcs_api_client.types.Response[Any])

qcs_api_client.api.account.add_group_user.sync(*, client: httpx.Client, json_body: qcs_api_client.models.add_group_user_request.AddGroupUserRequest, httpx_request_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}) qcs_api_client.types.Response[Any]#

Add user to a group

Add a user to a group. Note, group membership may take several minutes to update within our identity

provider. After adding a user to a group, please allow up to 60 minutes for changes to be reflected.


json_body (AddGroupUserRequest) – Must provide either userId or userEmail and groupId or groupName.



qcs_api_client.api.account.add_group_user.sync_from_dict(*, client: httpx.Client, json_body_dict: Dict, httpx_request_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}) qcs_api_client.types.Response[Any]#
async qcs_api_client.api.account.add_group_user.asyncio(*, client: httpx.AsyncClient, json_body: qcs_api_client.models.add_group_user_request.AddGroupUserRequest, httpx_request_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}) qcs_api_client.types.Response[Any]#

Add user to a group

Add a user to a group. Note, group membership may take several minutes to update within our identity

provider. After adding a user to a group, please allow up to 60 minutes for changes to be reflected.


json_body (AddGroupUserRequest) – Must provide either userId or userEmail and groupId or groupName.



async qcs_api_client.api.account.add_group_user.asyncio_from_dict(*, client: httpx.AsyncClient, json_body_dict: Dict, httpx_request_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}) qcs_api_client.types.Response[Any]#